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Holiday Clearing Gifts 🎁

Event Replays

Holiday Energy Clearing - Day 1

This workshop focused on emotional healing during the holiday season, including discussions on manifestation, stress relief, and financial abundance. Participants engaged in guided exercises and energy clearing techniques to address individual challenges and release negative emotions.

The session concluded with a group clearing exercise to release any remaining holiday stress!

Holiday Energy Clearing - Day 2

This workshop focused on focusing on the power of manifestation, sharing, and emotional release. Participants were guided through various exercises, including tapping techniques, spiritual cleansing, and entity and demon clearings, to help you feel more abundant, healthy, and positive!

The session concluded with special offerings and gift opportunities for the final session the next day!

Holiday Energy Clearing - Day 3

In this Michael dressed up as Santa and took attendee's wishes! We worked on manifesting a new car, money, improving health ailments, increasing sense perceptions clearing the DNA of money blocks and much more!

The Energy Clearing Holiday Gifts were presented to take advantage of posted below!

🎁 Special Gifts for Our Energy Clearing Community! 🎁

From the Desk of Michael Grady:

Happy Holiday's from Lotus and I! 🎄

You've likely seen the power of the clearing work we do for our participants on the workshops you've attended and/or seen on the replays.

So we thought... what if our community could gift this experience to their family and friends and make it a really great deal? 🎁

Give the gift of emotional freedom, the gift of clearing what's been in the way for decades... clearing what ever they need to feel better...

✊ Help them achieve a goal!
🏃‍♂️ Help them get healthier!
💵 Help them manifest more money!
💑 Help them have better relationships!
🧙‍♂️ Help them enhance their spiritual abilities!

The sky is the limit with what we are able to achieve with our clearing techniques. 

It's miraculous!

So, who do you have in mind that would benefit from these clearings?

We'd love to give them this experience!

How Does it Work?

Once you make your gift purchase we will email you a PDF Gift Certificate you can either print out for them or send as an email that will have all the information. 

When they are ready to schedule their session on the online calendar, they will have the link ready to go and can do so when they are ready. 

We will then set them up and take care of them for you. 

Only for the Holidays are we doing this promotion!

Can I Buy This For Myself, Pets or Children?

Absolutely, we are open to you gifting yourself high level clearings or using this to assist a pet or child through you! 

How Long Does the Gift Certificate Last For?

Your gifted sessions will be valid for an entire year from purchase.

How Many Sessions Should I Get for Someone Else?

We would say the best go-to would be the 4 Session Package with Bonuses. Results naturally will vary from person to person depending on previous clearing experience, amount of blocks to clear and their personal goals, etc. 

However it's great to know - and because you've seen the demonstrations on the workshops - we are able to help individuals pretty rapidly from where they are at, to get to their result. 

Feel free to message us on the contact form of this site if you'd like to consult further with specific items. 

10Xed His Income with 1 Session & 1 Money Clearing Workshop!

"BTW my biz went from $1300/month- (to) $13,500/month in 6 weeks"

Instant PTSD Clearing

"I never felt it again... that PTSD or whatever, it's gone." 

Project Left Unfinished for
30 Years, Done in a Week!

"I finally completed a guitar that all I had was the body after 30 years..."

All I Wanted Was Healing for Myself and My Kids

"I didn't win the lottery but I feel like I did for my son's mental health, for the healing that my family needs and realizing that my 3 other children can also access this and be able to really start their healing journey is so incredible, so truly incredible... thank you Michael for everything you've taught us... It's a pretty darn cool day today." 

Holiday Gift Package #1 🎁

2 Sessions Plus Money Workshop

  • Clearing Session with Michael

  • $297

    Get an advanced session with Michael where he will utilize the many techniques in a psychic-level diagnostic process to get to the core of your blocks and get you results. 

  • Clearing Session with Lotus

  • $188

    Get the multi-dimensional clearing from a very intuitive place. It's common for Lotus to see your past life or DNA block - play in her mind so it can be located and cleared on the spot with her "Oneness Clearing Method." 

  • Money Clearing Membership (1 Mo.)

  • $97

    Get the monthly workshop series where we dive deep on a multi-hour workshop with a small group into everyone's money blocks. This has created many THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue for our members. We do 2 workshops per month.  

    Special Holiday Offer!

    Today Only $582 $197

    YES - I Want to Get This Gift!

    Holiday Gift Package #2 🎁

    4 Sessions with Astrology and Money Workshops

  • 1 Complete Clearing Assessment

  • $297

    Get a complete detailed assessment where Michael and Lotus will run through virtually all areas of your life to see what are the most important "out points" keeping you from feeling better and being more clear. This is where you'll get serious answers to what is throwing you off. 

  • 2 Clearing Sessions with Michael

  • $594

    Get an advanced session with Michael where he will utilize the many techniques in a psychic-level diagnostic process to get to the core of your blocks and get you results. 

  • 2 Astrology Readings with Clearings with Lotus

  • $525

    Get the breakthrough "True to the Stars" reading to see the clues of your soul imprint (vibration of what you came into this life with) and clear the blocks that come up in these areas. From money to relationship and destiny and more, you will get the answers and get a core "yes" knowing it's truth to you. 

  • Money Clearing Membership (3 Mo.)

  • $291

    Get the monthly workshop series where we dive deep on a multi-hour workshop with a small group into everyone's money blocks. This has created many THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue for our members. We do 2 workshops per month.  

    Special Holiday Offer!

    Today Only $1707 $497

    YES - I Want to Get This Gift!

    Holiday Gift Package #3 🎁

    The Biggest Present Under the Tree!

  • 1 Complete Clearing Assessment

  • $297

    Get a complete detailed assessment where Michael and Lotus will run through virtually all areas of your life to see what are the most important "out points" keeping you from feeling better and being more clear. This is where you'll get serious answers to what is throwing you off. 

  • 4 Clearing Sessions with Michael

  • $997

    Get an advanced session with Michael where he will utilize the many techniques in a psychic-level diagnostic process to get to the core of your blocks and get you results. 

  • 4 Astrology Readings with Clearings with Lotus

  • $786

    Get the breakthrough "True to the Stars" reading to see the clues of your soul imprint (vibration of what you came into this life with) and clear the blocks that come up in these areas. From money to relationship and destiny and more, you will get the answers and get a core "yes" knowing it's truth to you. 

  • Money Clearing Membership (1 Year)

  • $888

    Get the monthly workshop series where we dive deep on a multi-hour workshop with a small group into everyone's money blocks. This has created many THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue for our members. We do 2 workshops per month.  

  • Level 1 Self Energy Clearing Training

  • $97

    Instant access to the 5 Day Energy Clearing MasterClass teaching you how to use the basic clearing method that is very simple to use, that anyone can do and get profound results! This is a MUST HAVE if you are serious about clearing yourself. 

    Special Holiday Offer!

    Today Only $3065 $997

    YES - I Want to Get This Gift!

    Meet Your Practitioner

    Michael Grady

    Founder of Energy Clearing Mastery
    TFT Voice Technology Practitioner
    Master NLP Practitioner
    Clinical Hypnotherapist
    SRT Practitioner
    Stage Hypnotist

    • Starred on MTV's "Hypnotized"
    • Special Guest on the Alex Jones Show
    • Collaborated with Professionals in the NFL and NHL on Sports Enhancement Systems
    • Authored Dozens of Self-Improvement Programs
    • Performed on 100's of Stages Nationwide with His Mind Power Hypnosis Show
    • Able to Clear Blocks Very Fast and Create Real Results for You 

    Meet Your Practitioner

    Lotus Dawn Goldkuhl

    Co-Founder of Energy Clearing Mastery
    Creator of the "Oneness" Clearing Method
    True to the Stars Sidereal Astrology Teacher and Guide
    Conversational Hypnotherapist
    Theta Healing Practitioner
    Access Consciousness
    Nature Therapist
    Yoga Teacher
    Intuitive Healer

    • Guided and Taught 4 True to the Stars Sidereal Astrology Master Class Trainings
    • Pioneering Sessions utilizing Astrological Diagnosis to Pin Point Core Challenges to Success, Healing, and Achievement.
    • Published over 760 Astrological YouTube Videos
    • Facilitated over 500 Astrology/ and Energy Clearing Sessions
    • Tunes into the Oneness Field and able to Identify, Pin Point Deep Past Life/ Ancestral and Early Life Blocks and Clear Them

    Holiday Gift Package #1 🎁

    2 Sessions Plus Money Workshop



  • Clearing Session with Michael

  • Clearing Session with Lotus

  • Money Clearing Membership for 1 Month

  • Get This Gift

    Holiday Gift Package #2 🎁

    4 Sessions with Astrology and Money



  • 1 Complete Clearing Assessment

  • 2 Clearing Sessions with Michael

  • 2 Astrology Readings with Clearings with Lotus

  • Money Clearing Membership for 3 Months

  • Get This Gift

    Holiday Gift Package #3 🎁

    The Biggest Present Under the Tree 🎄



    • 1 Complete Clearing Assessment

    • 4 Clearing Sessions with Michael

    • 4 Astrology Readings with Clearings with Lotus

    • Money Clearing Membership for 1 Year!

    • Level 1 Self Energy Clearing Training

    Get This Gift

    *Clearing sessions with Michael or any practitioners on this site do not replace medical advice or treatment from licensed healthcare professionals, either mentally or physically. Please seek out a qualified health care professional if that is the case. 

    *There are no refunds available for one-on-one sessions as results will vary from person to person due to a number of factors mainly being - how well a person follows directions, drug usage and toxicity levels, attitude and outlook on life, the amount of issues a person is going through and a number of other reasons. 

    The Energy Clearing Mastery - Clearing Path has a very comprehensive approach in dealing with these above major challenges and will be addressed on an as needed basis. 

    The Intake Assessment that will help narrow down what we have found to be the best course to take in order to get the best results, in the path of lease resistance for you.

    After your purchase, you will be lead to a membership site with additional training to help get you ready for your session(s) and a Calendly link will be sent for you to pick the best open date and time for you. If by chance any of the dates do not fit your schedule please contact us on the contact form of this website and we will do our best arrange a better time fit for you. 

    We look forward to helping you get clear!